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Caring for an Itchy Scalp

Mar 19, 2021

3 min read



Itching and the compulsion to scratch that accompanies it can be distracting and infuriating. It is particularly frustrating when the itch persists and relief eludes you despite nonstop and ill-advised scratching. As always, if you suspect that your itching is caused by an underlying medical condition you should definitely seek medical advice, but if that’s not the case, the tips below can help you get rid of that itchy scalp for good.

An itchy scalp may result from buildup on the scalp, product, or otherwise. Your scalp may just be very dry or you may have used a product that your scalp doesn’t like. As I always suggest, it is important to pay attention to your hair and scalp because this makes it easier to identify potential problems and quickly narrow down potential causes. If your scalp is itchy due to some sort of allergic response to a product then discontinue use of that product immediately and absolutely never use it again.  Now for those tips.

Avoid Scratching

It is always a bad idea to scratch your scalp despite how irresistible the urge may be or how good it actually feels to scratch the itch.  You may respond to your itching scalp by scratching without even giving it conscious thought, but scratching can lead to cuts and abrasions and despite the relief does not actually correct the reason your scalp was itching in the first place. If your itching is unbearable, you should definitely seek medical advice.

Hydrate and Moisturize

Dryness is a common cause of scalp itch which means hydration is an essential component of any plan for maintaining scalp health and preventing itching. Preventing dryness and dehydration of the hair, scalp, and the body is important and involves not just the topical application of moisture (moisturizing) but your water intake as well (hydration). If your water intake is insufficient your skin, hair, and scalp will be among the areas that will be most noticeably affected and itching is only one symptom of this dehydration. The usual ways of monitoring your water intake, such as the frequency and color of urine can help you figure out if your body has enough water to support its functions and keep your scalp healthy and hydrated.

The other aspect of keeping the scalp moisturized is the topical application of products. Exposure to harsh products, heat, wind, or extreme cold can cause the scalp to become dry. Deep conditioning and hot oil treatments are fantastic ways of keeping the scalp some extra TLC. Remember, your scalp is skin, and you should take as good care of it as you would the skin on your face or any other part of your body for that matter. Moisturizers, deep conditioners, and other hair products, especially those with jojoba oil, the oil that most closely resembles the sebum produced by our scalp, tea tree oil, and lavender oil will help to promote a healthy, balanced, and moisturized scalp.

Soothe With Essential Oils

One of the best essential oils for an irritated scalp is peppermint oil. It is both cooling and soothing which can come in handy if you got carried away and did some scratching you were not supposed to do.

Tea tree oil, which is frankly something you should never be without, has both antibacterial and antifungal properties which makes it great for ensuring your scalp does not become home to tiny organisms that can cause itching. Tea tree oil also helps remove buildup from the scalp so you won’t have to worry about dirt and dead skin cells clogging the pores and follicles of your scalp which may cause itching.

Lavender essential oil is another essential oil that is beneficial to an itchy scalp due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Lavender essential oil is also very soothing and calming for the scalp, but like tea tree oil, it also has antibacterial and antifungal properties for keeping bacteria and other microorganisms away.

You can look for products with these ingredients if your scalp is prone to itching or you can add a few drops of these essential oils to your favorite products or go full DIY and make your own blends. Just remember to add your essential oils to a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil before applying them to your scalp.

Rinse With Apple cider vinegar

An Apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse is an easy and affordable way to give your hair and scalp a boost. ACV rinses restore the pH balance of the hair and scalp and remove product build-up so that there is one less potential cause of itching. A two to one water and ACV mixture massaged into the scalp and left on for a few minutes before rinsing, will provide an immediate respite from itching and consistent use should eventually eliminate all itchiness.

Mar 19, 2021

3 min read



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